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Tourist Visa

وثيقةs Requirment

  • Passport showing at least a validity of six months from the date of intended arrival in Brazil (and copies of all used pages of the document). The passport must present at least two blank pages. Passports may be withdrawn from the Consular Section of the Embassy while awaiting for the processing period;
  • One Visa Application Form, per applicant, completely filled out online, printed and signed by the holder of the passport. Parents should fill out and sign applications for their own children who are minors;
  • Two recent photographs (3cmx4cm - ), in color, front view, white background (less than six months);
  • عمل Certificate on official paper with header (dated less than one month), stamped and signed by the firm director; and/or the original and copy of a Commercial Circular or Registration of a Company, translated into English, French or Portuguese;
  • University or school certificate for students, translated into English, French or Portuguese. If the application is submitted during the school year, authorisation to leave school during the trip period; in case it is submitted in summer, registration for the next year;
  • Bank statement of the last six months, duly stamped and sealed by the bank;
  • نسخة من السجل الجنائي – العدلي اللبناني (مؤرخ أقل من ثلاثة أشهر) ، ومترجم إلى الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو البرتغالية (للمتقدمين الذين تبلغ أعمارهم 18 عامًا أو أكثر). يمكن الحصول على السجل الجنائي من خلال قوات الأمن الداخلي (ISF) ؛
  • Original invitation addressed to the applicant (dated less than six months), issued by a Public Notary in Brazil or signed in this Consular Section (see form), as well as copy of the documents of the host; otherwise, proof of hotel reservation for the staying period (from internet or travel agencies);

يمكن أن تطلب السلطة القنصلية وثائق إضافية.

  • - Further documents and information might be requested by our consular agents;
  • - يوصى بشدة بتقديم جوازات السفر القديمة ، وخاصة التي تحتوي على تأشيرات و / أو أختام الدخول والخروج.
  • - The applicant must schedule an appointment before visiting the Consular Section. No application will be received without an appointment.

Processing Time

- About 20 working days. The applicant must check if the visa request has been approved and the passport is ready for collection through the website

Please note That the Consular Section of the Embassy of Brazil in Beirut does not process same day visas (no rush fee).

رسوم التأشيرة

- R$ ouro 80,00 or USD 80,00 to be paid at a branch of BLOM Bank, according to instructions given at the Consular Section when the application is submitted (exceptions, based on reciprocity applied to Brazilian nationals, are listed below);

S No. البلد رسوم التأشيرة بالدولار الأمريكي
1 Angola USD 180,00;
2 Australians USD 120,00;
3 US citizens USD 160,00
Fee Structure
  لبنان Pound USD
BLS Service Fee 21162 14
نوع التأشيرة & Fee Structure
  لبنان Pound USD
Tourist Visa 120928 80

Consular fees may be paid with credit and debit cards, or with cash deposits in designated Bloom Bank SAL agency.

Fees paid with credit and debit cards will be subject to a 1.79% increase.

Please note that this procedure may be applied to other nationals by means of reciprocity.


The requirements for tourist visa are the same for all nationalities.

يجب تقديم طلب التأشيرة بواسطة:

  1. The applicant in person at the Consular Section (please also see the "hours open to the public" section);
  2. تحديد أفراد الأسرة بشكل صحيح والمصرح لهم حسب الأصول أو
  3. Third person with written authorization. Nevertheless, the bearer of the passaport has to be in لبنان when the visa will be granted, even if the application was presented through a third party. Travel agencies cannot apply for visas.

قد لا يتم إرسال الطلبات ، التي تملأ وتقدم عبر الإنترنت ، عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني.

Please note that the application form completed (to be filled out on-line) is valid for one month only; if you come to the Consular Section to submit your application after that period it will be necessary to complete (fill out) another form.

يجب أن يكون لدى القاصرين الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا والذين يسافرون إلى البرازيل الطلب الذي وقعه كلا الوالدين أمام السلطة القنصلية. إذا كان أحد الوالدين خارج لبنان ، فيجب عليه تقديم نسخة أصلية من إذن مكتوب ، موثق من القنصلية اللبنانية للبلد الذي هو فيه.

يمكن لغير المقيمين في لبنان التقدم بطلب للحصول على تأشيرة سياحية ، بشرط أن يستوفوا المتطلبات المذكورة أعلاه.

No visa can be issued for a Brazilian citizen, even if he/she has another nationality. The Brazilian citizen must present his/her Brazilian passport when entering or leaving Brazil.

Please note that issuing or denying a visa is a sovereign act of Governments. The kind of visa, its granting and its validity are also a sovereign decision of the Embassy. No discussion on this matter will be accepted and the Consular Section of the Embassy does not have to justify why a visa is not granted. It is advised to be sure that the visa was approved before buying a ticket. The Consular Section of the Embassy is not responsible for any cancellation fee incured, in case a visa is denied.

إنّ تأشيرة الدخول ، على أي حال ، هي توقع للحق. قد يحظر دخول المواطنين الأجانب والدوام في البرازيل بقرار من وزارة العدل وتنفذه الشرطة الاتحادية.

According to the current Brazilian immigration law, there is no fixed date for the first entry in Brazil for Lebanese citizens. Thus, the visa will still be valid until the first entry to Brazil (provided the passaport is showing at least a validity of six months from the date of intended arrival in Brazil). For holders of passports from البلدes that do not have bilateral agreements on this matter with the Brazilian Government, the validity of the visa for purposes of the first entry to Brazil will be clearly indicated in the document itself. However, it is highly recommended to contact the airline you'll be flying to confirm that they are aware of this particularity (read visa conditions and restrictions).

Applicants, who wish to remain longer than the authorized stay in Brazil, should request an extension at the local Brazilian Police Department (Delegacia de Estrangeiros). Tourist visas allow for a maximum stay of 180 days per year in Brazil.

تطبيق التأشيرة على البرازيل في لبنان | W3C | ISO Certificate Copyright © 2018 All rights reserved.
Last Updated at: 17/06/2020

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